Jul 4Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

If you would like some links to the truth, some of us can supply you with them. I was a reliable democrat until that criminal began squatting in my White House and proceeded to THREATEN me

and millions who researched and refused the kill shots. I had a sister disown me. A friend actually used the words “you might KILL me if we meet”. I was thrown out of the library I worked at for 14 years until 2019 because these jabbed up employees were afraid of me because I wouldn’t wear a mask. . I knew exactly what these j ab horrors were early on. My sister died suddenly after her first Pfizer kill shot. I trust nothing now coming out of the lying mouths of government or conventional medicine. There, doctor, I said it. My only grandchild is damaged and life changed for ever. Maybe you should look into this so you can understand why so many have lost faith in medicine and our totally captured go government. Democracy? It’s been gone for awhile.

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Thank you. Your are correct. I am no legal expert, but I am a keen student of history including American history. I can still read and I can still think. I had a terrible experience with dogma in 1995. I was an internist who saw patients with cardiovascular disease and related conditions like diabetes. Nearly everyone believed that opening arteries with stents or bypasses would prevent sudden death,, but Dr. Peter Libbly and Dr. Erling Falk wrote landmark articles in the American Heart Association journal Circulation that disproved that idea in an instant. I was devastated. I has sent hundreds of patients with stable angina to have their arteries opened needlessly. Some of them did not do well. That experience changed me forever. I have learned to step back, get rid of the emotion, and base my actions on facts and evidence.

All I have done here is to step back, push out the emotion and disinformation, and pull together the evidence. The divine right of kings is an established historical concept. The Declaration of Independence speaks for itself. Alexander Hamilton's comment in the Federalist papers also speaks for itself. Just a little analysis pulls it all together. I have learned to push out the emotion and noise and call balls and strikes. I am sorry you disagree




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I am so sorry as an RN I chose the JJ vaccine because I got Covid and very sick. I lost a Dad to Covid a son who had a stroke and another family member a heart attack after his 3 Covid infection. I can share more about how we could have prevented it in the first place by President Trump but it was widespread and we still have it. I prefer facts. I now have received 5 Novavax a protein based vaccine but we probably should be wearing masks but a Republican judge banned them. We have states banning them because they want facial recognition- I am not afraid I will wear a N95 and continue to get vaccinated. Be careful of the misinformation because we are in an Information war which could cost you your life if you listen to the wrong people

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RemovedJul 4
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Yup line them all up traitors

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Yup trump needs locked up and his network

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Lock up 100 million Americans because their political believes is what NAZIs and Communist CCP do. Are you really that hateful??? VERY UNAMERICAN!!!

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Jul 4Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Bill: This is well written and beneath your standards. You are no legal expert. Your clinical posts are generally on target if not profound: this is unwelcome. On the other hand, I continue to value your medical approaches. Bob Silverstein (HRS, MD, FACC)

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Thank you. Your are correct. I am no legal expert, but I am a keen student of history including American history. I can still read and I can still think. I had a terrible experience with dogma in 1995. I was an internist who saw patients with cardiovascular disease and related conditions like diabetes. Nearly everyone believed that opening arteries with stents or bypasses would prevent sudden death,, but Dr. Peter Libbly and Dr. Erling Falk wrote landmark articles in the American Heart Association journal Circulation that disproved that idea in an instant. I was devastated. I has sent hundreds of patients with stable angina to have their arteries opened needlessly. Some of them did not do well. That experience changed me forever. I have learned to step back, get rid of the emotion, and base my actions on facts and evidence.

All I have done here is to step back, push out the emotion and disinformation, and pull together the evidence. The divine right of kings is an established historical concept. The Declaration of Independence speaks for itself. Alexander Hamilton's comment in the Federalist papers also speaks for itself. Just a little analysis pulls it all together. I have learned to push out the emotion and noise and call balls and strikes. I am sorry you disagree




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Jul 4Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Every American should be speaking up, legal expert or not. As citizens and health care providers, we cannot put our heads in the sand and choose not to consider the legal ramifications that will affect us, our children and our patients.

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See my answer to Dr. Silverstein

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While the SUPREME COURT(exactly that) is NOT always right, they are far more educated in their realm than you and I are. I agree with their decisions

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Then why wasn’t it unanimous

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This SCOTUS is corrupted

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He spoke the truth.

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Jul 4Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

People need to realize we are in an #INFORMATION WORLDWAR — A Republic If You Can Keep It thank you for posting truth

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Thanks Laura. Your encouragement always helps me know that I am on the right track.

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I appreciate you again not trying to be political but to see things as they are.

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The Su[preme Court Got it Wrong on Presidential Immunity.

This information comes from the Library of Congress. The Federalist Papers were written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison. They were written to explain and encourage adoption of the US Constitution. Hamilton and Medison were members of the Constitutional Convention. “the Federalist Papers are often used today to help interpret the intentions of those drafting the Constitution.”

Federalist essay number 69 is explicit in the constitutional intent on presidential immunity and compared it to the status of the English king. You can read and you can think. Here it is.

“The President of the United States would be liable to be impeached, tried, and, upon conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors, removed from office; and would afterwards be liable to prosecution and punishment in the ordinary course of law. The person of the king of Great Britain is sacred and inviolable…”





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This is right. This is necessary. Health is political. The question of who is worthy of care, and their measure of care, is political. How else can we understand the disparities in health outcomes within the US, and compared to other countries? If power is vested only in the rich and powerful, the voice of the people is silenced. All of us must use our voices, and our perspectives, to confront the assault on the nation’s democratic founding. Thank you for using your platform to speak up for democracy.

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I agree it’s time we listen to those who represent truth and light

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Line them up then because they are almost all criminals in one way or another. Starting with the one babbling in MY White House. Sorry. Disagreeing but that’s America isn’t it? Dissent is becoming punished in very bad ways. If you are just listening to MSM you are being treated like mushrooms—kept in the dark and fed shite. I will never vote democrat again because of their wicked promotion of child trans ideology. Basically grooming and enabling this horror through the SickCare system we have now. My only grandchild was trapped and encouraged to get to the mutilation point at 16. The therapist and doctors told my daughter QUOTE::Z”Do you want a dead daughter not a live son?” That is evil beyond belief. Also this child is autistic a a nd damaged from the HPV vax. I’m sick of it.

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Thank you and the heath of the county and democracy affects the health of the people.

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Thank you for speaking your truth

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We need the checks and balances to reign in government abuses! These deep state criminal governmental organizations are out of control!

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I don;t think you pushed out emotion and isinformation this time, I am an English and philosophy major/solid Democrat who keeps and eye on reality and am NOT burdened by mere politihought which is how yours strikes me. But keep up your other great work

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I really like all you do but this time and no this would be end of America your so wrong

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Look I grew up as a teenager under Maoist CCP China and escaped as an asylum seeker to America, the land of freedom. What’s happening now alarmingly is that the leftists in this country are copying the same tactics as the CCP. I don’t want to see my adoptive motherland turning into a totalitarian dictatorship regime like China under the CCP! Okay?

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Not true

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Who is charged with made up crimes? Biden? Obama? Clinton? Bush? Cheney?!? Who?!? The only one gets the most egregious lawfare is Trump! Wake up!

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You would be turned away by Trump regime

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Nope, it is the leftofascist communists in the medical establishment that discriminated me and our work.

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I was born in USA my father fought fascism in WWIi so you are ok with the far right weaponizing people feeling from tyranny? US always stood up with the light of freedom for all. Most Americans never visited the border yet blindly believe it’s wide open. This was weaponized for votes and siphoning money to fuel hate. I worked on the border it’s protected and I support immigrants and I support culture but the hate has to stop. Trump has ruined America he is corrupt has files sky high with KGB. I will not sit by while they occupy America Steve Bannon Roger Stone Trump Epstein anyone that wants to do any business with them is on the wrong side of truth.

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All your assertions are baseless propaganda without a single ounce of evidence to support your claims. I thought you would know better, Mam!

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Precisely, the Biden DOJ has weaponuzed DOJ\FBI to adopt nazi CCP tactics to go after their political opponents. Are you okay with that?!?! Really?!? Trump did none of that! Open your eyes and mind, wake up!

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Is it okay to allow CCP captured bribed corrupt politicians and officials to run our government?!? Nope! Over my dead body!

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Something to lran from a ConsitutionaL LAW PROFESSOR A legal expert on the current issues:https://youtu.be/hXQ_ZiPSFuM?si=gCI1OXhvdPdJJ34z

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Who would have thought that the counter-revolution would ultimately be successful in establishing our highest office holder as a king, a monarch above the law, and a possible tyrant?

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RemovedJul 4
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No Biden was legitimate Trump was not. I won’t get into because you already listened to the bad people

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Or installed trump

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You mean “Russia, Russia” hoax?!? 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂

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Please you don’t have to support anyone but we had a coup attempt and a bunch charged with pushing lies about the election. See it for what it is

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What MD or RN can support someone who wants a bloodbath and tells people to drink bleach, calls fallen soldiers “losers and suckers” cheated multiple times on his wife, is a rapist, lies, and cheats. Nothing good comes out of it as it’s rot.

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I’ll be happy to share but read this

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