Mar 8, 2022Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Bill, this is pretty amazing and explains so much about the differential treatment of heart disease for men and women. Why did it take so long to understand this?

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That is a great point Dr. Kibbe. It has been understood for some time. There is an article in the European Heart Journal on the NIH sponsored Women's Ischemic Syndrome Evaluation from 2006 "Persistent Chest Pain Predicts Cardiovascular Events in Women Without Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease" providing evidence on just that. There are dozens of articles on this WISE study. The evidence is there. We have not translated it for the benefit of the women we care about. I will put a link to this paper at the end of today's post. Translating this evidence and providing optimal medical therapy for these women should be a national health priority.

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