
This is for mcgdoc. We understand aging well enough to prolong healthy human life by 8 years as the link at the bottom proves. My best analysis of that study is that epigenetics related to environmental factors like obesity and smoking activate molecular biology that makes us age and become ill faster. Optimal medical therapy blocks that molecular biology. Aging is not just a matter of wearing out. We don't wear out like an old shoe. You can see this all around us. Some mammals live a year. Some mammals live 250 years. That is because their genes and molecular biology are different.


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Mar 2Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

I keep coming up with the same conclusion every time I read Dr. B.’s posts: medicate with metformin, statins, etc. whether one has a diagnosis or not.

Please set me straight.

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Mar 1Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

The tile of this post should be framed as a question, since we don’t understand what aging means. Is it preprogrammed? Is it due to environmental factors, epigenetic factors? Oxidative stress? Parental upbringings, patent’s health and lifestyle before giving birth, a person’s Diet, lifestyle? Or a combination of these factors? The answers are elusive so far.

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Mar 2Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Love this stuff as a 69 year old retired surgeon (post mi with decreased ef from remodeling) If I had studied Zen and gardened more.... Quality as much as quantity of life. Maybe good to keep this in mind. Keep it up please.

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