Apr 18Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Do you discount (meaning view as unindicative) A1C levels below 5.6, which in the US is widely interpreted as not prediabetic? Your comment appears to do so.

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Apr 18Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Thank you

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Apr 18Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Dr Bestermann, your ideas and writing are always superbly excellent! I love your posts. Thank you so much for this information!

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I don't claim any great knowledge on this, but it does seem to me 800 calories of liquid slop is guaranteed to fail as a blanket health policy.

I can imagine a more individualised approach working. I understand some people with T2D do well with a ketogenic diet for instance, which will be more forgiving than 800 calories of lettuce juice.

And where is the role of exercise in all this ?

I'm sure there's a better mid ground, and not saying drugs are evil, but a lot of people can be well managed more or less drug free, which is the other side of what you're saying.

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