Sep 4, 2021Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Hi Dr. My mom is 69 yrs old. She has obesity. No other known health problem. She and I started taking metformin 500mg x 2 two years ago. We both found it easier to control our weight. We both like it a lot (with the potential for life extension). In the mean time, I've been also prescribed Rosuvastatin 5mg (for dislipidemia) and lisinopril 10mg (for HBP). I believe these are excellent interventions to prolong life and health @ age 43. She and I have also become diligent eating Mediterranean keto the past 1.5 months (lots of veggies, limited meat mostly fish).

Based on my reading my mom is a good candidate for both rosuvastatin and lisinopril for life extension purposes. She's obese, no HBP, no T2D, no prior heart disease, but her cholestrol was high years ago, though she doesn't like going to a Dr or getting her labs taken. So we have limited read on that.

We're both taking metformin off label, based on our research. I do believe rosuvatatin and lisinopril would be good life extension drugs for her. But as it stands, I'm acting like her Dr because she hates going to the Dr (Drs make her feel sick; demoralize here. She doesn't want to feel in sick).

In the country she lives in, she can simply go to a pharmacy and buy most drugs. I'm thinking of recommending rosuvastatin 5mg and lisinopril 5mg to her, but I'm not super sure.

Everything I read suggests "polypill" is a great idea for the obese (polypill in this case would be metformin, statin, ace inhibitor and baby aspirin). ACE inhibitors extend life of mice in 3 separate studies, worms in 2 separate studies, and people in 10s (maybe 100s) of different studies.

Wonder what you think about all this. Thank you!

1) Summary of all polypill studies (Bottom 3 are biggest)


2) HOPE-3 RCT: https://www.acc.org/latest-in-cardiology/clinical-trials/2016/03/25/16/27/hope-3

3) TIPS-3 RCT: https://www.acc.org/latest-in-cardiology/clinical-trials/2020/11/11/21/14/tips-3

4) Poly-Iran RCT: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2028220

5) The simvastatin and ramipril combination therapy significantly increased the mean and median lifespan of mice by 9 %. In contrast, simvastatin, ramipril, or candesartan monotherapy was ineffective.


6) Blagosklonny's suggestions on polypill (adding metformin, rapamycin etc to this combination): https://www.oncotarget.com/article/18033/text/

Popular article: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/single-polypill-found-cut-heart-attacks-stroke-n1247686

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Aug 23, 2021Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Need to take this in to my next appointment!

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