Jun 24Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Follow the $$$. The US healthcare system nurtures sickness not prevent it. Preventative and optimal care are not promoted.

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Exactly. Thanks Khanh

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Jun 26Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Many providers are opting out of Medicare Advantage plans which account for over 50% of eligible Medicare members. I wonder ....


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Thanks for this information. This is yet another way our healthcare system doesn't serve Americans. This fight is over contracting between large health systems and huge insurance companies. The needs of patients are completely lost in the shuffle.

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Jun 26Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Bismarck system: direct contract decided by employers and employees, no middlemen is the way to go, perhaps...

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It is a big improvement over what we are doing now

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Jun 24Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Sorry But I suffered under the UK NHS which is organised for the convenience of the staff, not patient needs.

It's truly murderously dreadful. If you cannot choose who to pay then you will not be treated.

I've had to pay twice (once for a dismal NHS that I will not use) and go private to get actual care.

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The evidence does not support that statement. Their primary care doctors have managed angina using optimal medical therapy for over a decade. Most of our healthcare professionals are not practicing optimal medical therapy.

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I ranked the German system and a Medicare type system above the UK. Both allow choice of providers. The UK system costs half of what ours costs and the British live longer. The US maternal mortality rate is 21 per 100,000. The UK is half that at ten. The German rate is 4. We have a systems problem.


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The UK is cheap because it doesn't do anything!

At least this skips iatrogenic deaths.

it's terrible value though because it still spends loads but doesnt do anything.

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