Dec 20, 2023Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Pre-Covid, most thinking adults would agree with your conclusion and most trusted public health. That has changed. Government vastly oversold the efficacy and side effects of the Covid vaccine and down played adverse cases. Being personally tied to healthy athletes debilitated from adverse events post vaccination I’ll say that public health trust and trust in vaccines has been lost for many. It will take time and better data to regain public trust.

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I appreciate your comment Jeff. Everything I advocate has to be based in science and data. Smallpox is gone. Yellow fever, influenza, and polio or not. Vaccines on balance have extended health and longevity. Your point is well taken. It is not just vaccines. Every responsible leader tied to medicine must insist that our interventions are based on a careful scientific of risks and benefits. That is the only path to restored trust and too many medical interventions are oversold without real informed consent.

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Thanks Bill! I very much appreciate your strong work and direction and your commitment to using data and analytics to create optimized SOC and outcomes. With all of the amazing advances in RNA, I fully expect incredible innovations and cures. I will say though, as it relates to COVID vaccines, there are still substantial fears around genetic alteration and other assymetric outcomes that must be studied and not simply ignored. I’ve seen the horrible harm that’s been done to healthy people where issues were dismissed outright. Appreciate all that you do to inform the public and to change healthcare for the better.

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They lied about their “data” and covered it up. The cover up continues this day. It makes them complicit with the dictatorial CCP Chinese regime, and the big pharmaceutical companies. That’s the problem.

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What are your thoughts about Novavax a protein based vaccine? If you notice the mRNA are released prior they about shut Novavax out of the market. Moderna seems better than the Pfizer because I know so many who got COVID then used Pfizer antiviral. My concern is COVID is viewed to some as streams of revenue. I myself opted for Novavax I get boosted every 6 months have been directly exposed multiple times and remain completely virus free. From MDs globally last night we are all concerned about mass reinfections and impact to immune systems and all these pneumonia’s and RSVs. Novavax boosts immune system perhaps they tried to make this vaccine vanish because it works.

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Great! It works for you. There are some conflicting information on this one, but so far, everyone I know received it has done well. So fingers crossed 🤞. Thanks for sharing!

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I really don't want to start a frakus...but I would be remiss if I did not ask for your evidence to reflect "They lied," is an accurate statement. Perhaps the sentence could be better formed by saying "I believe they lied..." which takes us back into a bit of civility in our discussions. Oh how I miss that. So often these days we are each singularly convinced that we alone have the correct information and the rest is rubbish.

Be well, Dr. Shen.

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This story is a smal sample of ALL the lies the goverment has told us:

Joseph T. Shen, MD

Writes MCGDoc’s Newsletter

3 hrs ago

Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Yes, yes, and yes, however, vaccines, especially the mRNA vaccines to "cure the CCP Corona Virus," can cause damage to people, Bill, as you probably know. Here is a story I think EVERYONE should know and start thinking about solutions instead of just playing politics:


NIH is playing politics with people's lives to please their paymasters, the big pharmaceuticals. FACTS!

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I am not being hyperbolical; my statement does not come lightly. I stand by my words. Ms. Morris. Please do your research before you judge me, mam. You be well, too. I am not crazy; the last time I checked was this morning.

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Bingo! Like you Jeffrey, I’m not buying it. I believe they’ve been creating these bioweapons for a long time. The info to support this is easy to find.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

This is highly debatable - even around smallpox. An excellent analysis (I have read various) is from A Midwestern Country Doctor. Then, we need to look at the current plandemic. Further, for children, unvaccinated children do better, in terms of health evaluation, on every score - vaccinated children have 4-5 times the autism rate, way higher attention deficit, allergies, etc, etc. The polio vaccines - yes. Almost ll other childhood vaccines, a resounding no. My sense is you have much to explore in this area.

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Diseases like polio, and yellow fever are deadly. I don't really have a axe to grind with vaccinations for measles, mumps and less other less threatening conditions. Yellow fever is still around. It is a tropical disease with a permanent resevoir in monkeys. It killed 10% of the people in Philadelphia in one epidemic. I have been in an old church cemetery and saw a family of five that died within days of each other in a viral epidemic. As for autism, there are many other factors at play. It seems to be transmitted more through male parents based on environmental factors that change gene expression in their childhood. We also dramatically changed our diet 50 years ago so that many of our young children are overfed and still malnourished because their food has very little in the way of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. I am an internist. Internists are physicians who spend their lives learning about root causes and weighing risks vs benefits. I have done a good bit of exploring on the vaccine topic. The vaccines against diseases with very high mortality and complication rates are interventions with a great risk benefit equation.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

I have a friend whose son is severely vaccine-damaged - severe impact within a day of the vaccination - child going from verbal to almost non-verbal. Yes, there are other factors than the vaccinations, but studies show that unvaccinated children are 80% (at least) less likely to be autistic. A very high cost. And quite a major risk increase. I agree for polio and in places with a risk, yellow fever. But the vaccine schedule is something quite different. And I have read from good sources that even for smallpox, the major factor was hygiene.

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Smallpox spreads from contact with infected persons. Generally, direct and fairly prolonged face-to-face contact is required to spread smallpox from one person to another. Smallpox also can be spread through direct contact with infected bodily fluids or contaminated objects such as bedding or clothing.

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This is why hygiene is so effective against smallpox - in studies I have read, more effective than vaccinations. I'm remembering copparative studies of different cities which took different routes. Hygiene won.

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Environment may also trigger

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He should ask WIlliam Engdahl if the polio vax worked. It worked to make him paralyzed so that he's been in a wheelchair most of his life. It's not that these fake vaxes worked at all, it's that society changed bad hygiene habits, possibly started eating foods that gave them more nutrients and they possibly got out of poverty. Also, people have fought hard against specific chemical like DDT being sprayed on EVERYTHING so that they didn't have these chemicals in their bodies at high levels that often cause these "illnesses". It's nutrients in the form of minerals and specific food sourced vitamins that build the immune system and an array of dangerous toxins and stresses to the body that cause most "illnesses". When minerals in the body are not balanced and toxins flood the body, symptoms of disease are created from a multitude of factors. Balanced minerals are needed in order for bodily function to occur. The liver can't function well without adequate magnesium. The stomach needs zinc to help to create stomach acid to break down food. Neurotransmitters need adequate copper [not too much or it becomes toxic (IUDs, amalgam filings, etc)] to work properly. Cells need potassium, sodium, etc. Minerals are the foundation of life. Iodine is necessary for so many functions in the body but when flouride (found in over 300 drugs including prozac, found in toothpaste, and tap water) and bromide (from bread) are taken into the body, they take up the iodine receptor on cells so "illness" can occur in the brain, the thyroid, the breasts. It's not that difficult to understand these concepts. Doctors should know this but aren't educated in this because of who's been running the "show" for the past 100+ Years (flexner report - https://archive.org/details/carnegieflexnerreport). It's time doctors wake up and live up to their Hippocratic Oath and stop changing the oath to the Hypocritic Oath.

Regarding any illness: Has any doctor truly done a tissue test for levels of minerals in the body of these "polio" cases [not blood tests - blood must be in homostatis (balance) so it moves toxins to tissues in the body and blood is a moment in time versus tissues], what the ratio of those minerals are to one another, and have they tested what synthetic chemical toxins are in that person's body? I would guess, no. Well, that's the basis for how to determine what's going on in a body. Symptoms overlap from "illness" to "illness" very often, so you can't necessarily go by symptoms. And, if you don't test, you don't know no matter how expert you think you are.

A must watch (Original article: http://www.williamengdahl.com/englishNEO12July2022.php):



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Dec 20, 2023Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

I have read much of your information. On the other hand, about polio, I also knew people with paralyzed legs from BEFORE the polio vaccine. I personally knew 3 such people - in each case, one leg in a brace all their lives. This becomes even more difficult in later life. A doctor friend who has worked in Pakistan (very dangerous place - a doctor friend of his was executed by the Taliban) remembers people paralyzed with polio, in a corner all their lives, just lying around. Pakistan - polio vaccines are forbidden. So I am not against all vaccines. I do recognize that there have been many people paralyzed BY the vaccines. I have read about that as well.

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Polio is a disease that damages nerves. Many people were paralyzed before the polio vaccine was invented. Every medical intervention should be judged by this standard. Is the risk greater with the treatment or with the disease. In the case of polio, the disease was much more dangerous.

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

I completely agree.

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Thanks Elsa. That means a lot to me.

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I get what you're saying but it comes right back to what is that particular person's body make up in terms of epigentics (genetics to some degree), minerals, and toxins. Those are the questions that need to be asked first. Why did those people get "sick" while others around them didn't? What's in the air, the water, the food, etc? For example, there are people in the same family who are living in a mold infested home who don't get ill while others do. The polio vaccine in poorer countries, like Africa, are live polio "virus" vaccines which actually have caused polio in many people purposely (ask g.a.tes about that one) . So, I'm guessing if they had the polio vaccine in Pakistan, they'd be in serious trouble anyway. I can't remember when in the USA they stopped being allowed to use the live "virus" (sometime in the early '60s probably). It's all very convoluted because some don't even believe their is a polio virus but rather it's a lack of specific nutrients like vitamin D and the high level of toxins. Bottom line is, it's very hard to compare a third world nation to a wealthier one due to what they lack unfortunately. And, again, the mineral make up, the toxic load, epigentics, and sometimes the genetics of a person needs to be looked at before one can even address what healing solution should be determined. A one size fits all solution by a major corporation who could care less about the individual is never the answer. Also, you need to understand the true makeup of ALL vaccines and how toxic they are (mercury, aluminum, etc), the 1986 law that made the pHarma companies not liable at all, and the HUGE profits by forcing children (and animals) to get vaxxed.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Please read "Turtles all the Way Down". Horrifying and eye opening. Written before covid. Everyone needs to read this book regardless of beliefs. When published ( and still) authors offer a $1000 reward if anyone can find any inaccuracies. No one has yet to my knowledge. 40 years ago I vaccinated my children. Now I wish I could undo it all, and they received far fewer vaccines back then than the poor children do now ( 10 vs something like 76 by 5 years- rough guess). It is obscene what we jab in babies now. Check out the skyrocketing autism rates and autoimmune rates in children.

Then read RFK " The Real Anthony Fauci" has detailed histories of vaccines. Then his "Vax/Unvax"

Yes I have many pro Vax books on my shelves too that I trusted over the years. I no longer do.

But please read those books to expand your outlook. You do not have to agree, but they will perhaps shake your faith in mainstream medicine.

I personally have permanent heart damage from my first Moderna. No more Vax or fake Vax for me.

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My outlook is expanded and the evidence is clear. Vaccines are valuable treatments and have their place. Many of you are alive to complain about them because smallpox has been eradicated. Hundreds of millions of people died of that disease. It no longer is a threat because of vaccines. Millions of people have had heart artery stents that are inappropriate and back surgery that that for most is no help. My faith in the American medical system is shaken. You are a regular reader. You know that is what I write about every day.

You are right. Americans have much more chronic disease today. As far as I am able to sort out, these increased chronic diseases are due to changes in our environment that may include some vaccines. The gene regulation, prooxidant, and proinflammatory pathways that make us sick and old faster are related to overeating fake food devoid of nutrients, the related obesity, environmental toxins, etc etc. These complications are the main topic of my study

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Yes, yes, and yes, however, vaccines, especially the mRNA vaccines to "cure the CCP Corona Virus," can cause damage to people, Bill, as you probably know. Here is a story I think EVERYONE should know and start thinking about solutions instead of just playing politics:


NIH is playing politics with people's lives to please their paymasters, the big pharmaceuticals. FACTS!

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There are good vaccines and bad vaccines. It would be better if taxpayers paid third parties to validate the efficacy of any treatment. We need evidence and science tha we can depend on

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The issue is nearly 90% “peer review published evidence” are no evidence at all. They are merely preordained narratives based on cherry picked “data sets” and predetermined conclusions by people who are willing to make believe just to keep the narrative echo chamber alive and going. The end result is that people suffer from chronic diseases without having their disease cured. United States spends hundreds of billions on medical research, focusing on selling pharmaceutical and medical devices and procedures to make money. Real solutions to find root causes and cure are sidelined. Facts. Diabolical! Absolutely diabolical!

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You should be aware of new CDC proposals for PPE barrier protections

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Yup. But CDC has become a joke.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

After working as a OB nurse for 30+ years, I was amazed at the amount of new parents that declined vaccines. It was a growing trend that rattled me. Why would anyone not want to vaccinate their children against potentially deadly diseases?

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Or even vitamin K

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Thank you, once more, Bill, for a timely message as folks prepare for Christmas merriment. Let us be wise ones. History ought to be instructive , wisdom is seen in her children.

Bless us all, everyone!

Kathleen 🎄

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Thank you, Bill! I heartily agree with your assessment that is supported by fact and history.

I wish you and yours a very Merry Chirstmas and Happy and Healthy 2024 and beyond!!

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Your facts and history have been flawed and full of misinformation, Ms. Morris. Time to do your own soul searching and deep dive to find the truth behind all the hype.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Thank you for this excellent article, Bill. I grew up when 'childhood diseases' were common, so I fully appreciate the long term damage these diseases can cause. Information/misinformation about immunizations is readily available; however, most people have little understanding of the risks posed by vaccine-preventable diseases. Perhaps it would be well to give equal attention to assessing those risks when considering whether to receive a vaccine.

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Of concern to me is that some politicians to win an election actually push the anti vaxx agenda. Can you even imagine increases of infection like hepatitis B, tetanus, mumps, measles and imagine more mutations. Also of concern to me is industry influence to push their brand which might not be best choice but offers greater short term profit with no consequences. I have specific examples but these corporations contribute to certain individuals. Also we are seeing fake manipulated data to support these misleading claims. All I am saying is yes I support vaccines I have had them all, but very concerned about the division which is leading to biased decisions that impact our health and health of our country. It’s like some tapped into conspiracy about vaccines and weaponize them for certain agenda and we are leading by fear based and tainted data.

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Scientific medicine could do so much more for us. Political fean mongering and disinformation is a horrible disservice to all Americans.

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It’s like a festering disease

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It may not be that easy.

Try read Virus Mania, and Dr. Mark Bailey's a farewell to virology, as well as the book Turtles all they way down.

There is the inconvenient research in respect to C-19, (see Denis Rancourt's work), that statistically the spread of the "disease" was determined by local politics and the specific "medical" and "public health" regimes that were implemented. A virus would not follow political boundaries, let alone read stop signs.

There is the inconvenient fact that Pasteur conceded to Béchamp at the end of his life that the microbe is nothing, and the terrain is everything.

Then, in respect of C-19 there was the research published in BMJ 2 years ago that HCWs on plant-based diets had a 73% reduction in risk of "moderate to severe" C-19. Similarly, the research shows that adequate vitamin D levels provided an 80% risk reduction" in other words, the terrain is everything, the microbe is nothing.

We now have the research of Dr. Paul Thomas (longitudinal study from his pediatric practice) and Andrew Wakefield showing that unvaccinated kids are always healthier. I remember from my childhood that my MD father, was a vax-sceptic and had me avoid all but one childhood vaccination, which I got by accident. I once asked him as a kid why the vaccinated kids were sick all the time. (Several of the fathers were doctors, and had a disagreement with my father about the issue.) In short, I knew from my own observation what Paul Thomas was able to prove from long term clinical data.

We also know of course that there was no excess mortality from Covid-19, and that the flu disappeared while the C-19 diagnosis was promoted with the phony PCR-test, which is not fit for purpose. The excess mortality came from the vaccines (Denis Rancourt again). And of course there is the famous study from Guinée-Bissau by Peter Aaby (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1119587/), proving the same thing: The vaccinated group had higher all-cause mortality.

The bottom line is, we need more healthy lifestyles, and less medicine. Lifestyle Medicine was the right idea, but they capitulated for the Sars scare like everybody else did, with only a few exceptions who kept their sanity, and realized that with their diet, their immune systems were in great shape to begin with. (See Robyn Chuter's substack: https://robynchuter.substack.com/p/wholesome-plant-based-foods-not-vegan).

The methodology of allopathic medicine is symptom suppression, and never addressing the cause, and this is the creation of our chronic disease epidemic. The disease is allowed to fester, and by the time people retire, they are on God only knows how many pills, and just slowly getting eaten up by the over-active medical system. T2D is 95% reversible with a Whole Foods, Plant-Based diet within 3-weeks to 3-months. Same goes for CAD, or, as Esselstyn likes to say: Heart disease is a paper tiger, that should not even exist, and if it does it is reversible. And again, he proved it clinically with his famous group at the Cleveland clinic (book: Prevent and reverse heart disease). On and on and on.

Healthy living is 80% of the problem. Medicine should rarely be needed. Except for trauma cases and some acute situations.

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I saw thousands of patients for 40 years. I treated many patients with pneumonia. When I was a resident, we collected sputum from patients with bacterial pneumonia. If they had pneumococcal pneumonia were could see dark bacteria in pairs. If they had staph pneumonia the dark bacteria were in clusters. I have seen the microbes that cause disease. If we gave patients with pneumococcal pneumonia penicillin they got better much faster. Before penecillin, many people died of pneumococcal pneumonia at the peak of their health. Pre European Native Americans were slender hunter gatherers who were outside all the time. They were extremely fit. Smallpox wiped many of their towns out. Effective management and prevention of infectious diseases is one of the greatest accomplishments of modern medicine. Just because it is written does not make it true.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

I agree with what you say there are so many factors coming at us from every direction degrading our lives. Scary! Amazed any of us can get out of bed. But please read at least one of those books because I think you will find it interesting. Even the first chapter of "turtles all the way down" is worth reading whether you agree or not, But it will be pretty hard not to feel alarmed by what you read. At the end is a dedicated chapter on polio. It is very thought-provoking and I'm not sure how much I agree with it but it is certainly got me thinking in different directions. But when you read about the lack of studies on the traditional vaccines it's pretty scary. Vax Unvaxxed is a quick read. It is mainly eye opening charts.

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There are plenty of real problems to be confronted. The value of vaccination for deadly diseases like smallpox and yellow fever is not controversial. We cannot be distracted from a system that costs twice as much as other developed countries with horrible outcomes. The evidence we can do better in overwhelming. That is what we need to solve as urgently as possible.

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mRNA therapies are NOT vaccines.

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Joseph T. Shen, MD (Recovered)

8:25 AM

MCG Technology is leading the way as the tip of the spear to usher in a new era of true innovation for the good of humanity! Stay tuned!

No more data cherry picking, gaslighting of people, and the diabolical "late-stage-sickness-seeking-profiteering-kabuki-dance-theatrics" big pharma sponsored racketeering! Let's put out the dumpster fires and build a new world where people can enjoy a healthy life without being forced into bankruptcy and dying from weaponized system which monopolizes our own personal data.

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As the Scamdemic was rolled out—shortly after the tabletop exercise called EVENT 201 rehearsed this scenario in October 2019 (funded by Bill Gates and Johns Hopkins in partnership with the WEF)—my mind was opened to consider alternatives to the established medical narratives (‘safe & effective’… ‘for the good of mankind’) that have become increasingly suspect & authoritarian.

Around this time, the following book introduced me to some of the contrasting & competing views & outcomes between Germ Theory and Terrain Theory. The digital sample from this book provided by Amazon at the link below offers an introduction.

I’m still processing this and other information as I continue to review all sides. At the moment, I’m a healthy skeptic of vaccines — not only of the Covid jabs but others too.


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Dec 21, 2023Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Related: Dr. Samantha Bailey -- along with her husband, Dr. Mark Bailey, and other doctors & scientists -- question the foundations of virology & vaccines.


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I actually clicked on this link and tried to find out who Samantha Bailey is. As nearly as I can tell she is a family practitioner from New Zealand who posts on YouTube and presents herself with perfect assurance, but she questions the entire science of virology. She seems to be claiming that viruses don't exist and that it is all fear monering. Tell that to the 300 million people who died of smallpox since 1900. Tell that to the 20 million people who died of the Spanish flu. Here videos are presented in a kind of tabloid format. Not someone to be taken seriously.

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

The book “Virus Mania” is interesting & appears to be well-documented. You might check out the free sample available on the Amazon page I linked to before dismissing Dr. Bailey out of hand for the popular, general-audience format she uses in her social media videos.

It looks like there’s more to be learned from & about the stories concerning smallpox and its alleged eradication too.


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I am leaving this up and I watched the video. I was a biology and chemistry major in college. I went to medical school and graduated. I did three years of internal medicine residency. This video says there is no such thing as viruses. I can state unequivocally that is rubbish but I will leave it up as an example of what people are up against in trying to determine what is scientifically true or false.

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

The ‘no virus’ doctors & scientists allege there’s never been an example or proof of an isolated virus.

They claim that what people (including medical students) see pictures of are usually lab brews of other cells & materials alleged to contain viruses, or artist renderings depicting what viruses look like and how they operate.

Allegedly, millions of dollars have been offered to anyone who can present evidence of a virus in isolation, apart from the these brews.

Allegedly, again, no one has been able to step forward to present such evidence & claim this prize.

Me? I can’t say either way. I’m an observer on the sidelines, trying to use common sense and what little I know about science to get a feel for who seems to be accurate & truthful.

Besides this, the best evidence & arguments follow clinical outcomes.

For example, DDT, along with poor dietary & hygiene practices, appear to have caused what’s called polio. Polio was in sharp decline as these practices improved, before the vaccine was introduced. Many were sickened & crippled, and still are, from the so-called polio vaccines. Others allegedly contracted cancer from the earliest vaccines.

The same is true of other alleged viruses, disappearing before vaccines were introduced, following better environmental, health & dietary practices. This is documented in the book “Virus Mania“.

Also, documented in the book is an experiment conducted with the Spanish Flu, where sailors who were in prison would be pardoned if they participated in an experiment, where healthy persons were exposed to contaminated persons. No one got sick from the mucus smears, sneezes, coughs, close breathing and other ways they tried to cross-contaminate between the sick and healthy persons.

Exposure to chemical poisons, heavy metals, poor hygiene, malnutrition & wartime stress appear to have harmed and killed many ‘flu victims,’ to say nothing of big overdoses of aspirin, the new wonder drug at the time, improperly administered by doctors & nurses. Some claim that aspirin overdoses account for 10% to 20% of deaths. Others claim upwards of 50%.

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Science is complicated. My sense of this is that you are not a scientist. You say you are just trying to sort out the truth, but that is very difficult if you don't have a scientific background. Scientific paradigms are built on a mass of information accumulated over time. There are plenty of problems with current medical science. We still open arteries to prevent heart attack in stable patients and there is a mountain of scientific evidence. The idea that aspirin overdoses killed 20% of Spanish flu victims is frankly preposterous. Please don't waste your time on this nonsense.

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