We now know that 96% of the prescription drugs and 99% of the FDA approved devices have no real reliable evidence to support the industry claims of “safety and effectiveness” at all! This is truly the dirtiest secrete of the medical kabuki dance theater!

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We must establish a decentralized "zero trust", individually owned, monetized, and operated data network markets to allow honest, transparent, and high quality independent verification and validation of ALL drugs, new to old, procedures, new or old, and devices, new or old to ensure that we ONLY adopt those who can deliver the best possible outcomes for the lowest possible costs to eliminate fraud, abused, and wasteful harmful drugs, procedures, and devices. Only then, we all can be free!

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The 19th Century Legacy Late Stage Sickness Seeking Profiteering of the American Medical Industrial Complex Kabuki Dance Theatre is outrageously out of control! Tye good news is that we have solutions to solve this problem once and for all! Let’s work together to promote the early detection and early warning to enable primary lifestyle optimization prevention measures plus OMT if necessary to usher in a new era in the 21st Century Digital Medicine system!

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