Sep 25, 2021Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Pursuing epigenetic contributors to cancer and chronic conditions is more fruitful than seeking genetic causes.

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Sep 25, 2021Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

The standard claim that cancer is a genetic disorder has been proven wrong. Mutations are more likely caused by dysfunctional cellular respiration/metabolism.

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Sep 25, 2021Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Breast cancer like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and many other conditions are NOT destined to happen regardless of genetic makeup UNLESS that person/those people do what is necessary to express those genetic traits. For the most part, these diseases are not due to simple exposures like polluted water and air or chemicals in the ground or food, but are directly related to what those people generally do. Tobacco, alcohol, elevated % body fat above abdominal clear lines of definition and demarcation, improper diet (the human biology requires an essentially 90% ideally organic unprocessed whole foods intake). When we deviate from our biologic requirements, multiple diseases can occur such as breast cancer in 1 and not the other of identical twins. H. Robert Silverstein, MD, FACC of the Preventive Medicine Center in Hartford CT

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EGFR2 and HER2 are different names for the same gene. In many breast cancers, HER2 is persistantly switched on.

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