What does OMT look like for someone with a calcium score above 100? Thank you!

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Get your blood pressure under 130/80 using losartan or lisinopril. Add amlodipine, hydrochlorothiazide, and eplerenone until the pressure is controlled. Get your A1c number under 7 using metformin for diabetes. Get your LDL cholesterol under 70 using a statin. Don't smoke cigarettes. Take a baby aspirin. It is all easy.

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THANK YOU for taking the time to reply!

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Thank you for being willing to explore a different approach!!

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What about advanced lipid panel and LDL particle number it’s called Cardiac IQ? Also I have heard women are at an increased risk for a cardiac related incident at start of menopause and of course what about hormone replacement? Also many men on HRT as well.

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May 27
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Not surprised and thank you

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Not many people know about calcium scores. The test is not covered by insurance. It costs about $125 out of pocket and doesn’t need to be done every year if your score is zero.

Something to think about for women: during menopause doctors tell women to take calcium for bones. We are already an over-calcified country especially if you drink milk or eat cheese. It’s the free floating calcium that winds up in the wrong places like the heart (not bones) that contributes to plaque build up. When the plaque builds up and breaks off that’s when it causes a heart attack. Women have more heart attacks in menopause because doctors push calcium.

I got off the calcium train. I got on the boron/borax train. Boron helps build bones, decalcifies your pineal gland and gets the calcium where it needs to go. I’ve been on my own journey with LDL, calcium scores and boron. 🥴

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May 27
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Today the coronary calcium score is widely available and MCG is not. If people can't access the technology, it is not a practical answer. Hopefully, it will be more widely available in the future.

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