Sep 20Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Dr. Lustig seems to indicate low HDL cholesterol or TGL/HDL is the single highest determinant in CVD, high LDL levels not withstanding, your opinion?

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These things are all related. If an individual is overeating carbs and gaining abdominal fat, they become insulin resistant, their triglycerides go up and their HDL goes down. There is an elevation of LDL cholesterol, and the particles are small, dense, and especially atherogenic. These individuals also have increase Ang II, aldosterone, activity, and therefore increase oxidant production and inflammation. That is all part of it and we can interfere with all of it.

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Is there any data that shows people with a low TGL/HDL ratio (even when their LDL levels are high) don't have atherosclerosis? A friend had an extremely low TGL/HDL ratio (< 0.5) and his LDL levels were around 150. But his CAC score was 0!

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