Oct 27, 2023Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Thank you again. I appreciate all of us coming together on the need for reform and to provide true safe, cost effective, reasonable and affordable healthcare. I have seen a concerning shift of selling and packaging up products that reap high profits without thought on how patients can afford it and how it is of benefit. Time for a new model of care. US used to have public hospitals all bought out and for profit. Health to all. There are things we can do to avoid the traps

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In states where nurse practitioners can practice independently, community leaders could open an office, hire a nurse practitioner, and begin by providing better treatment for their own employees, police, fire fighters, and school employees with gradual expansion to include their larger population. We have all of the systems needed to support that nurse practitioner to perform at a very high level in treating chronic conditions. We just can't keep doing what we are doing

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