Aug 13, 2022·edited Aug 13, 2022Liked by William H Bestermann Jr MD

Yup! I have been applying this principal for more than 25 years to reverse insulin resistance in ALL my patients using our MCG Technology based diagnostic decision making, lifestyle optimization and primary prevention monitored . Nearly everyone has insulin resistance with very few exceptions.They are ALL with me and living much healthier lives without the need for cardiologists, hospitals, coronary interventions and many drugs AT ALL! It is a shame that the legacy medicine has denied this physiological fact wittingly or unwittingly for decades! It is criminal! Absolutely!

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The issue is fundamentally deeper, unfortunately. Physicians are inherently sheepishly following the “guidelines”, the FDA/CDC/AMA/ACC concocted designed to plunder our tax dollars, without knowing the sad facts that most, (99% of the devices and 96% of the drugs), have no evidence to support the safety and effectiveness claims made by the big device and pharma. They are drug and device pushers, wittingly or unwittingly. Further more, since the 1960’s, the so-called medical “literature” is filled with cherry-picked “evidence” mainly designed to fit the narratives of the pay-to-play masters to sell devices and drugs. The corrupted medical industry throw out of the window the needs for seeking disease prevention, and potential cures. These priorities are unprofitable to them. This pandemic exacerbated and accentuated the systematic corruption of I call the American Medical Industrial Complex Kabuki Dance Theatre. A fundamental transformation must be created to demolish this ugly 19th Century Legacy Analog pretender.

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